

Marvel Deadpool Schwerter

Artikel E2935

Marvel Deadpool Schwerter

Altersgruppen: Ab 14 Jahren geeignet

Well hi there, Deadpool-heads. Looking for a totally mature toy to impress friends and family alike? How about a way to prove to parents that the basement is a totally normal place to live and graphic novels are a legitimate fiction genre? Look no further! With Deadpool Katanas, anyone can gear up like the merc with a mouth and get ready to “kapow” into Deadpool-approved, two-thumbs-up action. Deadpool Katanas: inspired by Deadpool, powered by maximum effort.

Includes: 2 plastic katanas.

• Includes not 1, but 2, plastic katanas
• Classic Deadpool-inspired design (oh la la)
• Imagine living out slick spandex adventures
• Plastic construction, but that’s beside the point
• Sass not included

• Ages 14 and up
• CAUTION: Do not poke or jab at people or objects. Use away from breakable objects.

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